Circuit connection (differences between the current readings and the voltage readings of circuit connected in series and parallel).

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Título Circuit connection (differences between the current readings and the voltage readings of circuit connected in series and parallel).
Descrição This is to show that in a series circuit, the current that flows through each of the components is the same, and the voltage across the circuit is the sum of the individual voltage drops across each component. In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each of the components is the same, and the total current is the sum of the currents flowing through each component.
Assunto Física
Nível Ensino Secundário, Licenciatura - Introdução
Tipo Guided Activity
Duração 60 minutos
Respostas Incluídas Não
Idioma English
Palavras Chave circuit, current, voltage.
Simulações Circuitos AC/DC (DC e AC), Kit de construção de circuitos, Kit de Construção de Circuitos: DC (HTML5), Circuitos de Corrente Contínua (DC), Kit de Construção de Circuitos: DC - Virtual Lab (HTML5), Kit de construção de circuitos (Só DC), Laboratório virtual

Autores Ogunlana Yusuf Olayinka
Escola / Organização Smart Tutors Ed-tech company
Submetido 27-11-2021
Atualizado 27-11-2021