circuits in parallel and in series

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Tytuł circuits in parallel and in series
Opis In the first activity students explore the properties of circuits in series and in parallel made with identical light bulbs. They do this by using the Phet Circuit simulation. The second activity is hands-on and leads the students through setting up circuits in parallel and in series with resistors of two different values. Voltages and currents are measured in various parts to develop a general model for circuits in parallel and in series. The simulation activity takes about 1.5 and the hands-on about 2.0 hours.
Przedmiot Fizyka
Poziom Licencjat – wprowadzenie
Rodzaj Laboratorium
Czas trwania 30 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe Circuits, Electricity
Symulacja(e) Zestaw symulacyjny obwodów - tylko napięcia stałe

Autorzy Beta Keramati
Szkoła / Organizacja University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Data przesłania 07-05-16
Data zaktualizowana 07-05-16