Projectile Motion Worksheet

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제목 Projectile Motion Worksheet
설명 The following worksheet contains two parts as an experiment, the first part is about finding the best angle to get the greatest range and each angle with it's corresponding range with a fixed speed. The second part is when the effect of air resistance takes part. While it represents the relationship between the range and both of mass and diameter
주제 물리학
수준 고교목록 구분 대학-하급
유형 실험
기간 30 분
정답 포함 아니요
언어 영어
키워드 Projectile Motion목록 구분 air resistance
시뮬레이션 포물선 운동 (HTML5)

저자(들) Mustafa Alaraj
학교/기관 University of Sharjah
제출일 20. 10. 8
업데이트 날자 20. 10. 9