Online lab - Wien's law

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Titolo Online lab - Wien's law
Descrizione This activity tackles is set up so students are able to describe what happens to the blackbody spectrum as you increase or decrease the temperature and find the relationship between the temperature and the wavelength at the peak of the curve.
Disciplina Astronomia, Fisica
Livello Scuola superiore
Tipo Apprendimento a distanza, Attività guidate, Compiti a casa, Lab
Durata 60 minuti
Risposte incluse No
Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave Wien's law, blackbody, inquiry, peak wavelength
Simulazioni Spettro del Corpo Nero (HTML5)

Autori Carlos Muñoz Elizondo
Scuola / Organizzazione Think Ahead Academy
Proposto il 14/01/22
Aggiornato il 14/01/22