Proving Newton's Second Law

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Titolo Proving Newton's Second Law
Descrizione Structured Inquiry Based Virtual Lab Activity in which students gather data about the net force exerted on an object, its mass and acceleration in various fashions to show the proportionality of each quantity with respect to one another to graphically prove Newton's Second Law using data and graphical analysis.
Disciplina Fisica, Matematica
Livello Scuola superiore, Università - I livello
Tipo Apprendimento a distanza, Attività guidate, Lab
Durata 90 minuti
Risposte incluse No
Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave Forces, Graphing, Linearizing, Mathematical Modeling, Proportionality
Simulazioni Forze in una dimensione

Autori Jacob Zalkind
Scuola / Organizzazione Cecil County Public School
Proposto il 16/02/21
Aggiornato il 16/02/21