Projectile Motion

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Titolo Projectile Motion
Descrizione - To show that the time of flight of a horizontal projectile is independent of its initial velocity - To verify that the horizontal component of the velocity (vx ) of a projectile is constant during its motion - To study the relationship between the angle of the projectile (θ) and its range (R). - To find the acceleration of gravity gexp.
Disciplina Fisica
Livello Università - I livello
Tipo Lab
Durata 90 minuti
Risposte incluse No
Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave Cannon, Motion, Physics, Projectile, Projectile motion, Range
Simulazioni Moto del proiettile (HTML5)

Autori karim allahham
Scuola / Organizzazione University of Sharjah
Proposto il 24/11/20
Aggiornato il 24/11/20