Comparing Speed and Angle to projectile distance

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Titolo Comparing Speed and Angle to projectile distance
Descrizione Using the Projectile motion Sim to compare the distances a projectile travels when the speed of the projectile is varied and as the angle of the cannon is varied. The activity could be extended into a graphing activity very easily using Excel or some other spreadsheet software.
Disciplina Fisica
Livello Scuola media
Tipo Attività guidate
Durata 30 minuti
Risposte incluse No
Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave Speed. Angle. Projectile motion
Simulazioni Moto del proiettile (HTML5)

Autori Jeff Springer
Scuola / Organizzazione Southwood High School
Proposto il 05/04/18
Aggiornato il 05/04/18