Hot Air Balloons Lesson Una gold star indica attività di elevata qualità basate su indagini che seguono le linee guida progettuali di PhET.

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Titolo Hot Air Balloons Lesson
Descrizione Lesson Objectives: 1. Students will be able to describe how hot air balloons rise and determine the conditions necessary to keep a balloon afloat by using a computer simulation. 2. Students will be able to explain the principle that warm air expands when heated and how heat is transferred through convection. 3. Students will be able to construct and launch a hot air balloon. 4. Students will be able to generalize the relationship between temperature, volume and pressure. Standards: TEKS Science: 6.2E, 6.3A-C, 6.9A-B CCRS Science Standards: VII-I1, VIII-A2, VIII-A4, VIII-F1, VIII-F3 **Note:** The .doc version includes additional teacher resources, such as, background content, common misconceptions and a vocabulary list. It also has all worksheets as editable content.
Disciplina Chimica
Livello Scuola media
Tipo Lab
Durata 120 minuti
Risposte incluse Si
Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave buoyancy, convection, hot air balloons
Simulazioni Palloni e galleggiamento

Autori UTeach Middle School PhET Team
Scuola / Organizzazione UTeach UT-Austin
Proposto il 25/07/12
Aggiornato il 25/07/12