Designing Experiments Using Masses & Springs Una gold star indica attività di elevata qualità basate su indagini che seguono le linee guida progettuali di PhET.

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Titolo Designing Experiments Using Masses & Springs
Descrizione This activity was used in 9th grade physics to help students learn how to design their own investigations. The learning goals were: 1) Write testable questions 2) Isolate variables 3) Organize data in tables 4) Analyze data (draw conclusions) The file "Week11.doc" shows how this lesson fit into the whole week's plan. We did this activity on Tuesday.
Disciplina Fisica
Livello Scuola media, Scuola superiore
Tipo Lab
Durata 60 minuti
Risposte incluse No
Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave design, experiment, force, investigations, mass, spring
Simulazioni Masse e molle

Autori Karen King
Scuola / Organizzazione Denver School of Science and Technology
Proposto il 13/08/07
Aggiornato il 28/04/15