Introduction to vectors A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Cím Introduction to vectors
Leírás Didactic sequence integrated by its lesson plan with the general pedagogical aspects of the learning activity and activity sheets for students with the following activities: 1) Introduction activity for students to reinforce their previous knowledge 2) let's talk about vectors: with multiple choice questions and development to understand vectors and their elements and 3) conceptual multiple choice questions where what has been learned is consolidated
Tárgy Fizika, Matematika
Szint BSc kezdő, Középiskola alap, Középiskola emelt
Típus Demonstráció, Discussion Prompts, Guided Activity, Labor, Multiple-Choice Concept Questions, Remote Learning
Időigény 90 perc
Válaszokkal Igen
Nyelv Angol
Kulcsszavak angle, direction, modulus, representation, vectors
Szimulációk Vektorösszeadás (HTML5), Vektorösszeadás

Szerző(k) Jesus Eduardo Villamizar Rincon
Iskola / Szervezet PhET Fellows
Közreadás 2023.12.27.
Frissítés 2023.12.27.