Skate Park Phet- Science 8 and ACC Science 8

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Cím Skate Park Phet- Science 8 and ACC Science 8
Leírás Worksheet is designed as an introduction to kinetic and potential energy (aligned with NGSS standard MS-PS3-1 and MS-PS3-2). Students will use the bar graph feature to learn about the relationship between kinetic and potential energy. They will also discover the relationship between speed and kinetic and potential energy. Accelerated students will build different stake park tracks set to certain parameters to enforce learning and add an extra challenge.
Tárgy Fizika
Szint Középiskola alap
Típus Guided Activity
Időigény 60 perc
Válaszokkal Nem
Nyelv Angol
Kulcsszavak Kinetic and Potential Energy Intro
Szimulációk Energia Gördeszkapark, Energia Gördeszkapark - alapok (HTML5), Energia Gördeszkapark - alapok

Szerző(k) Erin Curtis
Iskola / Szervezet Woodbury Middle School
Közreadás 2019.10.16.
Frissítés 2019.10.16.