Climate Change - Gas

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Cím Climate Change - Gas
Leírás Students encounter various authentic STEM resources, current to 2018, regarding the ways in which various greenhouse gases cause global warming, and how the greenhouse effect as a natural phenomenon has been altered significantly by humans. Students use this PhET as one of several exercises to build conceptual understandings. We recommend approx. 80 minutes for the entire activity, which has been classroom-tested and scientifically peer reviewed by NASA GISS scientists.
Tárgy Egyéb, Fizika, Földtudomány, Kémia
Szint BSc kezdő, Középiskola emelt
Típus Discussion Prompts, Guided Activity, Labor
Időigény 90 perc
Válaszokkal Nem
Nyelv Angol
Kulcsszavak Chemistry, Climate, Earth, Environment, Physics, STEM
Szimulációk Üvegházhatás

Szerző(k) The EduChange Team
Iskola / Szervezet EduChange, Inc.
Közreadás 2018.12.31.
Frissítés 2018.12.31.