Saturated Solutions - Interactive Lecture Demonstration A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Title Saturated Solutions - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
Description This Interactive Lecture Demonstration Guide has the following goals. Students will be able to:(1) Compare and describe saturated and unsaturated solutions at the particle-level, and in terms of macroscopic observations; (2) Explain how and whether changes in solute amount and changes in volume affect the concentration of unsaturated and saturated solutions; and (3) Relate the maximum concentration of saturated solutions (at a particular temperature) to the identity of the solute.
Subject Chemistry
Level Undergrad - Intro
Type Demonstration
Duration 60 minutes
Answers Included No
Language Engleski
Keywords Solute, concentration, molarity, saturated, solution, solvent, supersaturated, unsaturated
Simulation(s) Koncentracija (HTML5), Concentration, Molarnost (HTML5), Molarity, Soli i njihova topljivost

Author(s) Ted Clark, Julia Chamberlain
School / Organization PhET
Date submitted 2014.11.05
Date updated 2015.06.08