Ohm's Law

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Título Ohm's Law
Descrición In this experiment the student will verify Ohm's Law by studying the relationship between the electric current passing through a resistance and the potential difference across it. Also by using Ohm's law student can find the equivalent resistance of the different combinations of resistors. Then student can distinguish between the Ohmic resistor and the non‐Ohmic resistor.
Tema Física
Nivel Bacharelato, Universitario - Inicio
Tipo Laboratorio, Remote Learning
Duración 120 minutos
Respostas incluidas Non
Linguaxe English
Palabras clave Ammeter, Ohm's Law, Resistor, Rheostat - Variable Resistor, Voltmeter
Simulacións Circuit Construction Kit: DC (HTML5), Circuit Construction Kit: DC - Virtual Lab (HTML5)

Autores Omar Adwan
Centro Escolar / Institución University of Sharjah
Presentado 6/2/20
Actualizado 6/2/20