Spring Force, Spring Constant and Elastic Potential Energy

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Titre Spring Force, Spring Constant and Elastic Potential Energy
Description This lab helps students connect spring force, spring stretch and elastic potential energy. Students see hooke's law applied to testing springs on different celestial bodies. A special thanks to Palm Springs High School 0 Period AP Physics, 22-23 for helping to develop this activity.
Sujet Physique
Niveau Lycée, Premier cycle - Intro
Type Labo
Durée 120 minutes
Réponses incluses Oui
Langue Anglais
Mots clés Elastic Potential Energy, Gravity, Hooke's Law, Net Force, Spring Constant, Spring Force
Simulation(s) Masses et Ressorts (HTML5)

Auteur(s) Shawn Kirby, 0 Period AP Physics 22-23
Ecole / Organisation Palm Springs High School
Date de soumission 10/03/23
Date de mise à jour 10/03/23