Gas Behavior

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Titre Gas Behavior
Description Students manipulate gas particles within a container to understand the relationships between volume, pressure, and temperature conditions. Quantitative data is recorded and analyzed in Google Sheets to assess whether the respective relationships are linear or polynomial. The key to data for 50 gas particles (instead of the student-directed number of 100 gas particles) and associated charts are provided within the Google Sheets document.
Sujet Chimie, Physique
Niveau Lycée, Premier cycle - Intro
Type Activité guidée, Apprentissage à distance
Durée 90 minutes
Réponses incluses Oui
Langue Anglais
Mots clés gases volume temperature pressure number of molecules
Simulation(s) Propriétés des gaz  (HTML5), Introduction aux gaz (HTML5)

Auteur(s) Astrid Helfant
Ecole / Organisation Hamilton Central School
Date de soumission 16/02/21
Date de mise à jour 16/02/21