Discovering Beer’s Law by a Simulation-based Laboratory

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Titre Discovering Beer’s Law by a Simulation-based Laboratory
Description Uses the PhET Beer's Law Simulation to derive Beer's Law. Students are instructed how to use the sim including a link to a video. Students then proceed to investigate pathlength, wavelength, and concentration. Post-lab questions use data collected in the lab to see if students have grasp the concepts in the activity.
Sujet Chimie
Niveau Lycée, Premier cycle - Intro
Type Activité guidée, Apprentissage à distance, Labo
Durée 60 minutes
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés Beer's Law, data analysis, linear regression, spectrophotometry
Simulation(s) Laboratoire Loi de Beer-Lambert (HTML5)

Auteur(s) Scott Sinex
Ecole / Organisation Prince George's Community College
Date de soumission 04/04/20
Date de mise à jour 07/04/20