project motion

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Otsikko project motion
Kuvaus Part (I): To show that the time of flight of a horizontal projectile is independent of its initial velocity Part (II): To verify that the horizontal component of the velocity (vx ) of a projectile is constant during its motion part(III): 1- To study the relationship between the angle of the projectile (θ) and its range (R). 2- To find the acceleration of gravity gexp
Aihe Fysiikka
Taso Graduate, Yliopisto - edistyneempi
Tyyppi Laboratoriokoe
Kesto 60 minuuttia
Vastaukset mukana Kyllä
Kieli Englanti
Avainsanat motion
Simulaatiot Projectile Motion (HTML5)

Tekijät noura hamad hazeem
Koulu / organisaatio university of sharjah
Lähetetty 6.10.2020
Päivitetty 6.10.2020