Exploring Chemical Reactions and the Law of Conservation of Mass

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Otsikko Exploring Chemical Reactions and the Law of Conservation of Mass
Kuvaus This is an NGSS aligned middle school activity designed to reinforce the concept of the atom, molecule, chemical reaction, and the Law of Conservation of Mass. Students should have an idea of what an atom and molecule represent as well as have some exposure to the Law of Conservation of Mass, prior to using this phet activity. I designed this activity as an assessment to see if students could apply their knowledge of an atom and molecule in a chemical reaction and observe and identify the Law of Conservation of Mass represented in this phet simulation. NGSS: Matter and Its Interactions: MS PS1-1, MS PS1-2, MS PS1-5; DCI: PS1.A Structure and Properties of Matter and PS1.B Chemical Reactions
Aihe Kemia
Taso Yläkoulu
Tyyppi Guided Activity, Kotitehtävä, Laboratoriokoe, Muu
Kesto 60 minuuttia
Vastaukset mukana Ei
Kieli Englanti
Avainsanat atom, chemical reaction, law of conservation of mass, molecule, produces, reactants
Simulaatiot Lähtöaineet, tuotteet ja ylijäämä (HTML5)

Tekijät Lonny Villalobos, M.Ed.
Koulu / organisaatio Edward Harris Jr. Middle School, Elk Grove CA
Lähetetty 4.10.2019
Päivitetty 4.10.2019