Newton's Second Law of Motion

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Otsikko Newton's Second Law of Motion
Kuvaus This simple worksheet can serve as a learner-centered approach to making young learners visualize the concept of Newton's Second Law in a straightforward manner. Depending on the school facilities, teacher's preferences, and the students' access to the internet, this activity can be done in the classroom as a virtual experiment, or even as a homework for a flipped classroom setting.
Aihe Fysiikka
Taso Lukio, Yläkoulu
Tyyppi Muu
Kesto 30 minuuttia
Vastaukset mukana Ei
Kieli Englanti
Avainsanat Newton's Second Law of Motion, acceleration, force, mass
Simulaatiot Voimat ja liike: perusteet (HTML5), Forces and Motion: Basics

Tekijät Leah L. Lecerio
Koulu / organisaatio De La Salle Santiago Zobel School - Vermosa campus
Lähetetty 30.1.2019
Päivitetty 30.1.2019