Hooke's Law investigation including multi-spring systems and Energy

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Otsikko Hooke's Law investigation including multi-spring systems and Energy
Kuvaus Learners investigate Hooke's law to arrive at the relationship between Force and Extension. Learning then builds by collecting data and explaining spring systems in parallel. Finally the relationship between extension and elastic PE is investigated.
Aihe Fysiikka
Taso Lukio
Tyyppi Kotitehtävä, Laboratoriokoe
Kesto 60 minuuttia
Vastaukset mukana Ei
Kieli Englanti
Avainsanat Hooke, elastic, energy, extension, parallel, potential, relationship
Simulaatiot Hooken laki (HTML5)

Tekijät Andrew Ford
Koulu / organisaatio Howell's school
Lähetetty 14.12.2018
Päivitetty 14.12.2018