Build an Atom - Inquiry-based basics (homework version) Urrezko izar batek kalitate handiko eta kontsultan oinarritutako jarduerak adierazten ditu PhET diseinuaren jarraibideak jarraitzen dituztenak.

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Izenburua Build an Atom - Inquiry-based basics (homework version)
Deskribapena Updated 2020 for the HTML sim. This could be used for a homework for a traditional class or an online course. There are slides that could be used for poling students after the activity. Some of the materials were designed for the Java sim , so some images may be different from the present sim, but the ideas are relevant.
Gaia Biologia, Fisika, Kimika, Lurraren zientzia
Maila High School (BH), K-5 (10 urte), Middle School (LH), Oinarrizko hezkuntza - Sarrera
Mota Etxerako lanak, Lab, Urrutiko Ikaskuntza
Erantzunak barne Ez
Hizkuntza Ingelesa
Gako-hitzak atom, atomic mass. atomic symbol, atomic number, electron, inquiry, neutron, nucleus, phet, proton
Simulazioa(k) Eraiki atomoa (HTML5), Atomoa eraiki

Autorea(k) Trish Loeblein, Kath Perkins
Eskola / Erakundea PhET
Bidaltze-data 9/12/11
Eguneratze-data 9/10/20