Reactants, Products, and Leftovers Review Activity: Limiting Reactants in Chemical Reactions Review Una estrella de oro indica alta calidad, basadas en investigaciones que siguen las directrices de diseño PhET.

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Título Reactants, Products, and Leftovers Review Activity: Limiting Reactants in Chemical Reactions Review
Descripción This activity is designed for the Java version, but can be used with the HTML5 version but the images won't match exactly. This is similar to my RPAL 2 Activity, but is meant to be used during semester review week. Learning Goals: Students will be able to: •Predict the amounts of products and leftovers after reaction using the concept of limiting reactant •Predict the initial amounts of reactants given the amount of products and leftovers using the concept of limiting reactant •Translate from symbolic (chemical formula) to molecular (pictorial) representations of matter •Explain how subscripts and coefficients are used to solve limiting reactant problems.
Asignatura Química
Nivel Escuela secundaria, Pregrado - Introducción
Tipo Lab, Múltiple-Opciones Conceptos Preguntas, Peticiones de Debate, Tarea
Respuestas incluidas No
Idioma Inglés
Palabras clave (etiquetas) chemical reactions, inquiry, limiting reactant, molecular representation, phet, stoichiometry
Simulación(es) Reaccionantes, Productos y Sobrantes (HTML5), Reactivos, Productos y Sobrantes

Autor(es) Trish Loeblein
Colegio / Organización PhET
Fecha de envío 04/07/11
Fecha de actualizado 18/07/15