Using an Area Model to Multiply

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Titel Using an Area Model to Multiply
Beschreibung This activity goes with the "PhET Area Model Introduction - Partition" simulation. Students are first guided through the different features of the simulation. Students then choose three multiplication facts that they find difficult and build area models for them.
Thema Mathematik
Niveau Grundschule, Sekundarstufe I
Typ Geführte Aktivität, Hausaufgabe, Online Lehre
Dauer 30 Minuten
Antwort enthalten Nein
Sprache Englisch
Stichworte area model, distributive property, multiplication
Simulation(en) Flächenmodell Einführung (HTML5)

Autoren Rob Wilson
Schule / Organisation Farmington Public Schools
Eingereicht am 12.03.23
Aktualisiert am 12.03.23