Introduction to Momentum and Elastic Collisions Lab

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Titel Introduction to Momentum and Elastic Collisions Lab
Beschreibung This introductory lab is designed so that students, through self-discovery, derive the definition of linear momentum (p = mv) and gain an understanding of the Conservation of Momentum in One Dimension through the use of the scientific method.
Thema Physik
Niveau Sekundarstufe II
Typ Praktikum
Dauer 120 Minuten
Antwort enthalten Nein
Sprache Englisch
Stichworte Conservation of Momentum, collisions, momentum
Simulation(en) Kollisionslabor

Autoren john DuBois
Schule / Organisation STEM Academy, Chester Upland School District, Chester, PA
Eingereicht am 24.04.22
Aktualisiert am 24.04.22