Simple Circuits

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Titel Simple Circuits
Beschreibung This lesson plan seeks to ensure that students learn to construct simple closed circuits and measure current using an ammeter. Even though students may have basic theoretical knowledge of the definition of a circuit or the function of circuit components, when they actually put the knowledge to the test using practical experiments, related misconceptions are revealed and can then be cleared up.
Thema Physik
Niveau Sekundarstufe I
Typ Diskussions Hinweis, Geführte Aktivität, Online Lehre
Dauer 60 Minuten
Antwort enthalten Nein
Sprache Englisch
Stichworte construct circuits simple circuits measuring current
Simulation(en) Stromkreise schalten: Gleichstrom (HTML5)

Autoren Liselli Daniel
Schule / Organisation Malabar Secondary School
Eingereicht am 21.11.21
Aktualisiert am 21.11.21