Rubric for Simple Pendulums - What Affects the Period?

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Titel Rubric for Simple Pendulums - What Affects the Period?
Beschreibung This rubric was created to use with the lab that Walter Jurek posted. I added analysis questions at the end of his lab. I added that students should go to "lab" for the gravity investigation. For HS physics, I had them use Vernier Graph App to create graphs and do a curve fit and find slopes.
Thema Mathematik, Physik
Niveau Sekundarstufe II
Typ Online Lehre, Praktikum
Dauer 60 Minuten
Antwort enthalten Nein
Sprache Englisch
Stichworte SHM, conclusion, data analysis, hypothesis, period
Simulation(en) Pendel (HTML5)

Autoren Kristin Michalski
Schule / Organisation East Troy HS
Eingereicht am 20.04.21
Aktualisiert am 21.04.21