reflection refraction and total internal reflection

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Titel reflection refraction and total internal reflection
Beschreibung This experiment contains two parts to be done, which are: Part I:This part defines the reflection and refraction laws of light and use Snell’s law to calculate the index of refraction of unknown material. Part II: This part defines the meaning of the critical angle and the total internal reflection and use the critical angle to calculate the index of refraction of a material.
Thema Physik
Niveau Hochschule - Grundstudium, Sekundarstufe II
Typ Praktikum
Dauer 90 Minuten
Antwort enthalten Nein
Sprache Englisch
Stichworte bending of light, critical angle, index of refraction, light, reflection, refraction, total internal reflrction
Simulation(en) Lichtbrechung

Autoren tahani sarayreh
Schule / Organisation University of Sharjah
Eingereicht am 02.06.20
Aktualisiert am 02.06.20