Movimiento en dos dimensiones: Caso del Proyectil (Two dimensions movement, projectile case).

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Tittel Movimiento en dos dimensiones: Caso del Proyectil (Two dimensions movement, projectile case).
Beskrivelse The objectives are the study of kinematics in two dimensions through the movement of a projectile. Apply kinematics formulas to calculate the flight parameters of an object before being launched into the air. Construct and analyze graphs (position and velocity versus time) that represent movement in 2 dimensions.
Emne Fysik
Niveau Bachelor - intro, Gymnasium
Type Fjernundervisning, Guidet aktivitet, Laboratorie, Lektie
Varighed 90 minutter
Svar inkluderet Nej
Sprog Spansk
Nøgleord 2 dimensiones, Fisica, Kinematics, Physics, Projectile, Proyectil, cinematica, two dimensions, vectores, vectors
Simuleringer Skrå kast (HTML5)

Forfattere Carmen Maldonado
Skole / organisation Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico
Dato for tilmelding 25-04-20
Dato for opdatering 25-04-20