Using the Gases Intro PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Gas Laws and the Variable Changes Associated with Them

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Назва Using the Gases Intro PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Gas Laws and the Variable Changes Associated with Them
Апісанне This is a scaffolded concept development activity that aims to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Students will be able to predict the change in pressure, volume, number of moles, and temperature given a change in one of the other variables. 2) Students will be able to predict the relationships between variables.
Суб'ект Хімія
Узровень Вышэйшая школа, Старшакурснік
Тып Кіруемая актыўнасць
Працягласць 60 мінутаў
Уключаны адказы Так
Мова Англійская
Ключавыя словы Gas laws, gases, moles, pressure, temperature, volume
Сімулятары Gases Intro (HTML5)

Аўтар(ы) Jack Eichler
Школа/Арганізацыя UC Riverside
Дата прадстаўлення 30.11.22
Дата абнаўлення 30.11.22