Making use of the Sound Simulations

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Назва Making use of the Sound Simulations
Апісанне Students make use of the sound simulation, and Fourier Transform simulations to model longitudinal and transverse wave functions. Making use of the sound cards students learn the affect of frequency and amplitude on sound. By making use of the two source sound simulation they can discover interference affects. Finally, by using the Fourier transform simulation they can gain insights into transverse wave constructive and destructive interference.
Суб'ект Фізіка
Узровень Вышэйшая школа
Тып Лаб
Працягласць 60 мінутаў
Уключаны адказы Не
Мова Англійская
Ключавыя словы Graphing
Сімулятары Fourier: Making Waves, Гук

Аўтар(ы) Don Cameron
Школа/Арганізацыя University of Denver High School
Дата прадстаўлення 16.10.06
Дата абнаўлення 18.9.07