earth's magnetic field ile eşleşen arama sonuçları 177
- Aya inis
- Balonlar ve Durgun Elektrik (HTML5)
- Balonlar ve Uçuculuk
- Balon ve Durgun Elektrik
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- Basitleştirilmiş MRG
- Buzullar
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- Dalgalarda Girişim ve Kırınım (HTML5)
- Difüzyon (HTML5)
- Düşlerin Elektrik Alanı
- Elektrik Alan Hokeyi
- Faraday Elektromanyetik Lab.
- Faraday Kanunu (HTML5)
- Fotoelektrik olay
- Gazlar: Giriş (HTML5)
- Gazların Özellikleri (HTML5)
- Güneş Sistemim (HTML5)
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- Kepler Kanunları (HTML5)
- Kondansatör Lab.
- Kütle Çekim Kuvveti Laboratuvarı (HTML5)
- Kütle Çekim Kuvveti Laboratuvarı:Temel (HTML5)
- Levha Tektoniği
- Mikrodalga
- Moleküller ve Işık (HTML5)
- Molekül Polaritesi (HTML5)
- Molecule Polarity
- Optik Cımbız ve Uygulamaları
- Özkütle (HTML5)
- pH Ölçeği (HTML5)
- Radyoaktif Yaş Tayini
- Radyo dalgaları
- Sera Etkisi (HTML5)
- Sera Etkisi
- Ses
- Sığa (Kapasitans) deneyi: Temel Öğeler (HTML5)
- Sıvı Basıncı ve Akış
- Stern-Gerlach Deneyi
- Telde Dalga Hareketi (HTML5)
- Yerçekimi ve Yörüngeler (HTML5)
- Yük Işınımı
- Elektrik Yükleri ve Alanları (HTML5)
- Generator (HTML5)
- Magnet and Compass (HTML5)
- Magnets and Electromagnets (HTML5)
- Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab (HTML5)
- Introduction to Magnetic Fields (bar magnets and electromagnets) - Inquiry Based
- Static Magnetic and Electric unit (Inquiry Based)
- Magnet and Compass
- Fields - NGSS Aligned
- Magnets-Introduction (Inquiry Based)
- Magnets and Compasses
- Electric Field Hockey Simulation Homework
- Magnetic Field Investigation
- Introduction to Static Electricity using Electric Field Hockey and Charges and Fields (Inquiry Based)
- Charges and Fields Remote Lab Introduction to Static Electricity
- Electric Field Lab
- Electric Field Hockey Using Coulomb's Law
- Investigating Electromagnetism Applications
- Exploring Electric Potential, Electric Field and Distance Relationships
- Glaciers Earth Science
- Electric Field Hockey Homework
- POGIL-style simulation analysis
- Electric Field Intro
- Mapping Electric Fields
- Electric & Magnetic Fileds
- Magnets, Electromagnets and Ohm's Law Lab!
- Electric Field and Electric Field Lines
- Undergrad MRI Workshop Activity
- Lab: Electric Field and Potential
- Initial Magnetism Investigation (Inquiry Based)
- Radioactive Dating Game
- Electric Field Hocket
- Electric Fields Simulation
- Electric field - patterns and strength
- Understanding the Photoelectric Effect
- MRI lecture and homework
- Density and Earth's Crust
- Electric Field PhET Lab
- Electric Field Lab
- Electric Field Hockey Post-Game Analysis
- How Does the Earth's Climate Change?
- Drawing Electric Field Lines and Electric Field Intensities
- Electric Field Hockey Lab
- Electric Field Hockey
- Electric Field Activity
- Electric Field Simulation Activity
- Greenhouse Gases and Their Effect on Earth's Climate
- Electric Field Lab
- Electric Field and Potential Lab
- Electric Field Hockey Post Activity
- Radio active Dating Game for Earth science
- Investigating Climate Change at the Macroscopic and Microscopic Level
- Charges Activity with Various Simulations
- Faradays Electromagnetic Lab: Generating Electricity
- PhET activity guide
- Electric fields
- Electric Field vs Electric Potential
- Investigating Electric Fields
- Investigating the relationship between field and potential around point charges
- Electrostatics Simulation lab
- Lab: Electric Field & Electric Potential
- Electric field, electric potential and Coulomb's law
- Heat Capacity Land and Ocean
- Factors Affecting Average Global Temperature
- Determinine Electric Field Relationships
- Electrostatics Plotting
- Coulombic Force Simulation Observations
- PHET Charges and Fields Activity Part 1
- Coulombinc Force Simulation
- Exploring Pressure Underground with PhET Simulation Lab
- Climate Change - Gas
- Greenhouse gases - sense making by observing photons
- Spinometer
- Spinometer
- Electric Fields & Point Charges
- Relationship between electricity and magnetism
- Greenhouse Gas Exploration
- UNIDAD2 S12 L1 Cargas eléctricas
- Electric Fields of Dreams for High School Exploratory Lab
- Quest for the Coulomb Cup
- 'Lectronic Plates
- Magnet Lab
- Capacitor and Dielectric 2
- MYP Physics: Gravitational force vs. Distance
- Microwaves Simulation Activity
- Microwaves Simulation Homework
- Visualization and Visual Illusions SIM Homework
- Charges and Fields Lab
- Serie de actividades para Electrostática: de Electrización, Campos y Fuerzas
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Radio Daze investigation
- Capacitors and Dielectrics
- MYP Physics: Electric Force vs. Distance
- Exploring EM Forces
- Algebra-based Physics Semester one lessons, clicker questions, and schedule in pdf (Inquiry Based)
- Exploring Electric Charges
- Electric Charge Basics
- Greenhouse Effect
- Gravity: Friend or Foe?
- PhET Student Interactive Introduction on Capacitance & Dielectric Constants
- Gravity Lab
- Concept questions for Physics using PhET (Inquiry Based)
- Equipotential Surfaces Lab Activity
- Mass Spring Activity
- Video: Self-paced learning on Electrical Equipotential Lines
- Greenhouse Simulation Lesson
- Plate Tectonic SIM Lab
- Exploring Newton
- Projectile Motion (Anwar Mabrouk Al-Talha)
- The Greenhouse Effect PhET Simulation Lab
- Guided Activity - Greenhouse Effect
- Thermal Energy Flow PhET Lab
- Travoltage Lab
- Investigating time period of a simple pendulum
- PhET Greenhouse Effect Simulations
- Mass/Spring Activity
- Charges & Fields PhET Lab
- Charges and Fields Exploration
- Charges and Fields
- Exploring the Energy Skate Park
- Projectile Lab (Angled Launch)
- Projectile Lab (Horizontal Launch)
- Guided Inquiry - Electric Fields
- Lab: Capacitance
- Skate Park and Energy Conservation
- Cavendish Lab
- Harmonic oscillator
- How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program?
- Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS
- Computer Simulations as a Tool to Assist Teaching Basics of Electromagnetism (Simulações Computacionais Como Ferramenta Auxiliar ao Ensino de Conceitos Básicos de Eletromagnetismo)
- SECUNDARIA: Alineación PhET con programas de la SEP México (2011 y 2017)
- PhET Simulations Aligned for AP Physics C
- PREPARATORIA: Alineación de PhET con programas de la DGB México (2017)
- Mapping of PhET and IBDP Physics
- MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment