Introduction to Momentum and Elastic Collisions Lab

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Başlık Introduction to Momentum and Elastic Collisions Lab
Açıklama This introductory lab is designed so that students, through self-discovery, derive the definition of linear momentum (p = mv) and gain an understanding of the Conservation of Momentum in One Dimension through the use of the scientific method.
Ders Fizik
Seviye Lise
Tür Laboratuvar
Süre 120 dakika
Dahil Edilen Yanıtlar Hayır
Dil İngilizce
Anahtar Kelimeler Conservation of Momentum, collisions, momentum
Simülasyon(lar) Çarpışma labaratuvarı

Yazar(lar) john DuBois
Okul / Kurum STEM Academy, Chester Upland School District, Chester, PA
Gönderildiği tarih 24.04.2022
Güncellendiği tarih 24.04.2022