Exothermic vs. Endothermic Reactions

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Titlul Exothermic vs. Endothermic Reactions
Descriere This activity introduces students to the concepts of exothermic and exothermic reactions while performing an experiment on each one. Students will also use a Google sheet to make a graph and interpret the data.
Disciplina Chimie
Nivel Liceu
Tip Învățare la distanță
Durata 60 minute
Răspunsuri incluse Nu
Limba Engleză
Cuvinte cheie activation energy, endothermic, equilibrium, exothermic, reversible
Simulare(i) Reacţie reversibilă

Autor(i) Paul McMahon
Școală / Organizație New Wilmington High School
Data transmiterii 23.07.2022
Data actualizării 23.07.2022