Potential Energy of A Spring (Elastic Potential Energy)
- Elastic Potential Energy.pdf - 220 kB
- CBE1 G9.docx - 22 kB
Titlul | Potential Energy of A Spring (Elastic Potential Energy) |
Descriere | This guided activity aims to: 1. Determine the relationship between the spring force and elongation/compression of the spring 2. Calculate the work done in stretching/compressing a spring 3. Introduce the concept of elastic potential energy. |
Disciplina | Fizică |
Nivel | Gimnaziu, Liceu |
Tip | Activitate dirijată, Laborator |
Durata | 30 minute |
Răspunsuri incluse | Nu |
Limba | Engleză |
Cuvinte cheie | Elastic Potential Energy, Hooke's Law |
Simulare(i) | Legea lui Hooke (HTML5) |
Autor(i) | Ferdinand Bautista |
Școală / Organizație | Manila Science High School |
Data transmiterii | 10.04.2021 |
Data actualizării | 10.04.2021 |