Energy Skate Park Basics Student Guide [HTML]
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Titlul | Energy Skate Park Basics Student Guide [HTML] |
Descriere | This activity is Jackie Esler's "Energy Skate Park Student Guide" modified for the HTML version. The questions are mostly the same, with a few added in at the end. This will be easier for the students to follow when using the HTML version of this simulation. |
Disciplina | Fizică |
Nivel | Gimnaziu, Liceu |
Tip | Laborator |
Durata | 60 minute |
Răspunsuri incluse | Nu |
Limba | Engleză |
Cuvinte cheie | HTML, energy, friction, html, kinetic, park, potential, skate, thermal |
Simulare(i) | Energia în skatepark: Baze teoretice (HTML5) |
Autor(i) | William Hedden & Jackie Esler |
Școală / Organizație | Thornridge HS District 205 |
Data transmiterii | 10.12.2018 |
Data actualizării | 10.12.2018 |