Balancing Chemical Equations
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Titlul | Balancing Chemical Equations |
Descriere | Students use this inquire base activity to first explore how to balance equations in the "introduction" part of the simulation and then continue to the next section to play the "game". Students record their findings in the introduction and also record their score from the game. The worksheet is set up so the teacher signs the bottom box after they verify the score of the game matches the score on the paper. |
Disciplina | Chimie |
Nivel | Gimnaziu, Liceu |
Tip | Activitate dirijată |
Durata | 60 minute |
Răspunsuri incluse | Nu |
Limba | Engleză |
Cuvinte cheie | balancing chemical equations |
Simulare(i) | Ecuații chimice echilibrate (HTML5) |
Autor(i) | Christoffer Becho |
Școală / Organizație | Corpus Christi ISD |
Data transmiterii | 27.06.2018 |
Data actualizării | 27.06.2018 |