Projectile Motion Discovery

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Título Projectile Motion Discovery
Descrição Inquiry lab that helps students discover concepts about projectiles, 2D motion, and motion vectors. Introduction lab: I recommend the use of this as a discovery lab to introduce projectile motion (before an official lecture). Students should have been introduced to vector components previously. It gives them some hands-on experience with projectiles before lecturing on the topic. This is a great scaffolding exercise. Summary Lab: This could also be used as a lab to summarize what was learned about 2D motion.
Assunto Física
Nível Ensino Médio; Graduação - Inicial
Tipo Aprendizagem Remota; Atividade Guiada; Laboratório; Tema de Casa
Duração 60 min
Respostas Incluídas Não
Idioma Inglês
Palavras-Chave projectile motion high school parabola introduction discovery lab 2D physics vectors components explore
Simulação(ões) Movimento de Projétil (HTML5); Movimento de Projéteis

Autor(es) Sean Boston
Escola / Organização Timberline High School
Data de publicação 30/06/20
Data de atualização 30/06/20