Simple Inquiry-based Build an Atom Simulation Student worksheet

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Tytuł Simple Inquiry-based Build an Atom Simulation Student worksheet
Opis This is a simple, inquiry-based activity using the PhET Build an Atom simulation. The objective is: I can use a computer simulation to develop a model of atomic structure. This activity was created for a combined 8th-grade physical science and technology class on a remote-learning day to be taught using a Zoom meeting. The students have already learned about elements and the periodic table and that all elements are made up of atoms. They have learned that atoms themselves are made up of even smaller particles, but not what these subatomic particles are. This is their first introduction to the concept of subatomic particles and the structure of an atom.
Przedmiot Biologia, Chemia
Poziom Gimnazjum
Rodzaj Laboratorium, Nauka zdalna, Podpowiedzi do dyskusji
Czas trwania 30 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe atomic structure, atoms, electrons, matter, neutrons, periodic table, protons, subatomic particles
Symulacja(e) Budujemy atom (HTML5)

Autorzy Ayse Adams
Szkoła / Organizacja Grace Academy Hartford
Data przesłania 21-10-04
Data zaktualizowana 21-10-04