Movement of Charges - Static Electricity

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शिर्षक Movement of Charges - Static Electricity
वर्णन Students will use two simulations to explore static electricity and the movement of charges. Students will also answer questions related to the application of static electricity
विषय भौतिक्शास्त्र
स्तर उच्च माध्यमिक, माध्यमिक
प्रकार Discussion Prompts, Guided Activity, Remote Learning, गृहपाठ, प्रयोगशाळा
कालावधी 60 मिनिटस
उत्तरांसह नाही
भाषा इंग्रजी
खुणेचे शब्द Static Electricity, charges, lightning
सादश्य Balloons and Static Electricity, John Travoltage

लेखक David Wirth
शाळा/संस्था Millennium High School Science Department
दाखल दिनांक 4/15/20
आद्यवत 4/15/20