Experimental Design: Projectile Motion! A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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शिर्षक Experimental Design: Projectile Motion!
वर्णन Students follow the handout directions to complete the guided lab while using the Projectile Motion simulator.
विषय इतर, भू विज्ञान
स्तर माध्यमिक
प्रकार Guided Activity, प्रयोगशाळा
कालावधी 30 मिनिटस
उत्तरांसह नाही
भाषा इंग्रजी
खुणेचे शब्द control variable, dependent variable, independent variable
सादश्य Projectile Motion (HTML5), Projectile Motion

लेखक Jamie Schoenberger
शाळा/संस्था Windermere Preparatory School
दाखल दिनांक 5/31/16
आद्यवत 8/23/17