Exploration of KMT and Gas Laws

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शिर्षक Exploration of KMT and Gas Laws
वर्णन Explores Boyles, Charles's, Gay-Lussacs's Laws. Students are given instructions on how to operate. Then they are guided through one example. They are responsible for 6 relationships of T, P, V, and n.
विषय भौतिक्शास्त्र, रसायनशास्त्र
स्तर उच्च माध्यमिक
प्रकार प्रयोगशाळा
कालावधी 90 मिनिटस
उत्तरांसह नाही
भाषा इंग्रजी
खुणेचे शब्द Boyle's Law, Gay-Lussac's Law, charles's law, graphing, kinetic molecular theory
सादश्य वायूचे गुणधर्म

लेखक Stefan Panzilius
शाळा/संस्था Maine Township High Schools
दाखल दिनांक 2/5/11
आद्यवत 2/5/11