Density and Earth's Crust

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Pavadinimas Density and Earth's Crust
Aprašymas Foundation for NGSS MS-ESS2-2. About 45 minutes. Students explore principles of density and apply them to fundamental ideas of how the Earth's crust floats on the mantle and the importance of varying densities between oceanic and continental crusts.
Tema Gamtos Mokslai
Lygis Progimnazija
Tipas Guided Activity
Trukmė 30 minutės
Įtraukti Atsakymai Taip
Kalba Anglų
Raktažodžiai crust, density, plate tectonics
Simuliacija(-os) Density

Autorius (-ai) Rosemary Boardman
Mokykla / Organizacija International School of Beijing
Pateikimo data 16.2.5
Data atnaujinta 16.2.6