Wave Interference in 2D

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Pavadinimas Wave Interference in 2D
Aprašymas This activity helps students understand what happens when two-dimensional waves interfere. Learning Goals: o Interpret a 2D top view picture of a wave o Identify areas of constructive and destructive interference in 2D. o Predict the behavior of water, sound, or light when you have two sources (predict what will happen in both constructive and in destructive areas)
Tema Fizika
Lygis Gimnazija
Tipas Lab
Trukmė 30 minutės
Įtraukti Atsakymai Ne
Kalba Anglų
Raktažodžiai constructive interference, destructive interference, interference, light, sound, water
Simuliacija(-os) Wave Interference

Autorius (-ai) Karen King, Cory Hofschild
Mokykla / Organizacija Denver School of Science and Technology
Pateikimo data 07.4.2
Data atnaujinta 15.4.28