Relating Gas Properties Foldable

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Sernav Relating Gas Properties Foldable
Danasîn Students use the Gas Properties PhET to fill in a guided-inquiry foldable. After filling in the foldable, students will be able to describe how each property relates to (and impacts) the other properties.
Mijar Kîmya
Ast Dibistana Amadeyî
Cure Guided Activity, Remote Learning, Spartek
Dem 30 xulek
Bersîvan Dihewîne Na
Ziman Îngilizî
Peyvên Girîng foldable, gas laws, number of particles, pressure, temperature, volume
Şêwekar Gas Properties (HTML5)

Nivîskar Nora Walsh
Dibistan / Organîzasyon Reitz High School
Şandin 3/16/22
Rojanekirin 3/16/22