Basic Electricity: short inquiry activities includes ideas for several sims A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Title Basic Electricity: short inquiry activities includes ideas for several sims
Description This provides a structure for an inquiry activity that leverages the learning goals provided for the sims and the interactive engagement of the sims. This is a lesson that invites students to investigate the sim and the models shown to make sense, explain their ideas about the model, and describe their reasoning. The lesson describes ways to use all 4 sims.
Subject Physics
Level High School, Middle School, Undergrad - Intro
Type Concept Questions, Homework, Lab
Answers Included No
Language Engleski
Keywords battery, inquiry, modeling, phet, resistance, switch, voltage
Simulation(s) Jednostavni strujni krug, Napon (elektromotorna sila) baterije, Ohmov Zakon (HTML5), Ohmov Zakon, Električna otpornost vodiča (HTML5), Otpor vodiča, Struja i signal

Author(s) Trish Loeblein
School / Organization PhET
Date submitted 2012.07.28
Date updated 2015.05.27