Colors, Bunnies and Wolves: does the strongest survive?

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Título Colors, Bunnies and Wolves: does the strongest survive?
Descripción A simple and dynamic lesson for Elementary School about prey, predators and the environment. We will explore the simulation in detail, obtaining important information about the future of populations. We will further improve our ability to organize and analyze data, presenting it in the form of tables and graphs, skills that are so important in the Science discipline.
Asignatura Biología, Ciencas de la Tierra
Nivel K-5
Tipo Actividad Guiada, Aprendizaje remoto, Demostración, Lab, Peticiones de Debate, Tarea
Duración 60 minutos
Respuestas incluidas
Idioma Inglés
Palabras clave (etiquetas) BNCC, Biology, Elementary Education, Evolution, Homeschool, Natural Selection, Science, Scientific Method, investigation
Simulación(es) Selección Natural (HTML5)

Autor(es) Bernardo Dias
Colegio / Organización Colégio
Fecha de envío 17/04/24
Fecha de actualizado 05/07/24