Elements and Compounds Lesson

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Název Elements and Compounds Lesson
Popis This lesson is designed for a year 7 class that takes science and under chemistry, they are now looking at elements, compounds and mixtures. In this lesson, the class will focus on elements only. An element is a substance that has a specific type of atom and cannot be broken down further.
Předmět Chemie
Úroveň Střední škola
Typ Demonstrace, Discussion Prompts, Lab
Trvání 60 minuty
Včetně odpovědi Ne
Jazyk English
Klíčová slova Compounds, Elements, Matter, Molecules
Simulace Skupenské stavy: základy (HTML5)

Autor(ři) Martha Mwiinga
Škola / Organizace Lusaka International Community School
Datum vložení 31.1.23
Datum aktualizace 31.1.23