Making Sense of Slope A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Naslov Making Sense of Slope
Opis In this activity, students are asked to experiment with slope using the Graphing Lines sim. They will draw triangles showing vertical change and horizontal change to see how the visual slope of a line on a coordinate graph relates to the mathematical slope.
Subjekt Matematika
Nivo Middle School (Srednja škola)
Tip Guided Activity
Trajanje 60 minuta
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi Slope, similar triangles and slope, slope formula
Simulacije Crtanje pravih (HTML5), Crtanje pravih

Autori: Jim Freund
Škola / Organizacija Horizons K-8 School, Boulder ,CO
Poslato 6/6/18
Obnovljeno 6/6/18