Balloons and Buoyancy : How do gases in different containers behave in gases fluids? A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Naslov Balloons and Buoyancy : How do gases in different containers behave in gases fluids?
Opis This is an inquiry lab, but there are some specific directions given in the student handout because my students did not use all the tools correctly without these tips.
Subjekt Fizika
Nivo High School (Viša škola), Osnovni studij - Uvod
Tip Koncept pitanja, Lab
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi buoyancy, gas, phet

Autori: Trish Loeblein
Škola / Organizacija PhET
Poslato 4/25/11
Obnovljeno 7/4/13